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A member registered Oct 02, 2018

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(1 edit)

Hi, Linux user here (and a programmer), umm, it does not really start, the screen just flashes black, and then it stops. Look at the (probably not) helpful terminal output:

[jsmetana@beta RobinMorningwoodAdventure_Demo_2.0.4]$ time ./RobinMorningwoodAdventure_Demo_2.0.4.x86_64
Set current directory to /home/jsmetana/.local/share/RobinMorningwoodAdventure_Demo_2.0.4
Found path: /home/jsmetana/.local/share/RobinMorningwoodAdventure_Demo_2.0.4/RobinMorningwoodAdventure_Demo_2.0.4.x86_64
{EDIT: time output below}
real    0m0,892s
user    0m0,169s
sys     0m0,068s

Note: command 'time' just prints for how long the exec has run.

I can do more tests for you and provide you with more info, when I'll have time and remember this, just tell me what you need to know (if you're actually interested in fixing the Linux version).

I love this game! Every thing about it was done perfectly and for me it was very relatable. I'm glad you could make the 2nd part happen and I wish you good luck for next game development (or whatever else you are doing). Also I'm very thankful for the Linux version (I believe no problem with RenPy) and for acknowledging the LGBTQ+ community. For me full 5 stars and also inclusion in my new collection "Games, that will stay in my heart" (few games are actually in there, only virtually (like Undertale, ...)).